事件进展(2018年6月9日) 章莹颖失踪一周年纪念活动(9月17日) 百日烛光纪念活动(8月29日) 莹颖家人致关心莹颖的朋友和同胞公开信(8月28日) 嫌疑人 Christensen 审判 (trial) 时间推迟至2018年2月27日(8月22日) 家人举办新闻发布会发表声明(8月22日) 章莹颖家人致美国总统公开信(7月20日) 嫌疑人 Christensen 在提审 (arraignment) 中拒绝认罪(7月14日) 莹颖家人通过 Champain County Crime Stoppers 将悬赏额度提高到5万美金(7月12日) 联邦大陪审团以绑架罪名起诉嫌疑人 Brendt Christensen(7月5日) 本周三,法官裁定嫌疑人不得保释(7月3日) 犯罪嫌疑人 Brent Christensen 第一次出庭(6月30日) FBI 逮捕了一位香槟男子, 该男子被指控绑架了章莹颖, 法律部门认为章已经遇害(6月29日) 校方与 UIUC CSSA 为章莹颖举办游行及音乐会(6月27日) FBI 声称找到了绑架莹颖的车(6月24日) 志愿者发布"志愿者寻找莹颖纪事"(6月22日) 莹颖家人接受 WCIA 采访(6月22日) 校方举办论坛与多方团体公开商讨对搜寻章莹颖的支持(6月19日) 莹颖家人通过 Champain County Crime Stoppers 发布4万美元高额悬赏(6月17日) 校方通过 GoFundMe 为莹颖家人募捐(6月17日) FBI悬赏关于章莹颖所在位置的信息(6月15日) UIUC 警方就案件诸多问题作答(6月15日) Looking for Yingying Proposal(6月15日) 全美搜寻章莹颖倡议书(6月14日) FBI 将案件定性为绑架(KIDNAPPING)(6月14日) 来自莹颖家人的公开信(6月13日) 来自莹颖的老师同学和 UIUC CSSA 的公开信(6月12日) UIUC 警方公布事发当天下午两点左右的街道监控录像(6月11日) UIUC 警方发布事发当天 MTD 公交车监控视屏截图(2017年6月9日) 失联寻人信息与联系方式相关下载
截止9月17日,章莹颖失踪已100天。UIUC校方和家人于当天晚上6点30点在学校 Anniversary Plaza 举行烛光纪念活动。UIUC教务副校长,农学院院长和莹颖的家人将在会上进行发言。百余名学生、学者以及当地市民参加了活动。
莹颖家人: "在 8 月 22 日的发布会之后,我们家人真切感受到了社会各界对于莹颖的关心、关注, 让我们非常感动和感激。同时,我们从各个途径获知,大家还有很多疑问,希望获得更加详 细的信息。正如我们在发布会中所说,没有大家的支持和鼓励,我们不可能走到今天,所以 我们有责任向每一个关心莹颖的朋友,汇报家人近况、未来计划、捐款安排等等相关信息。 因此,在这封信中,我们汇集了目前所了解到的十一个问题,并尽可能完善地进行了回答。"
海外网:“据美国侨报网报道,检方表明有意提出追加起诉。目前法官已经将章莹颖案的正式审判日期定在2018年2月27日, 庭前会议的日期定在2018年2月12日。法官为本案预留出3个星期的审判时间。法官同时表明,这些日期已经确定,且不再推迟。在此期间,嫌犯将被继续关押。法官还要求追加起诉之后所必要的程序应于2017年12月15日之前完成。”
详见”海外网“ 媒体报道: http://news.cri.cn/20170829/5a695527-1c3f-a80a-e354-c66f6f325822.html
颖莹家人: " (新闻发布会) 在坐的很多人都是为人父母,你们一定能感受到我们的痛苦。我们很感谢两个多月来与我们一起等待,支持我们,给予我们无私帮助的所有人。莹颖是个勇敢的女孩子,她不会放弃,我们也一定不会放弃她,这是我们给她的承诺。即便几个月,一年甚至更长,即便没有任何莹颖的消息,你会看到我们一直站在这里寻找她,我们永远不会放弃她,找到她带她回家,我相信这个梦并不远。"
UIPD:" The investigation is ongoing and continues to be a top priority of University of Illinois Police Department and FBI investigators. "
学校警方:" 对章莹颖的搜索和对案件的调查依然是 UIUC 学校警方和 FBI 的首要工作。"
UIPD: "During a news conference on Tuesday, the Zhang family was presented with replica diaries which investigators took as evidence during the early part of the investigation. The original diary remains in evidence."
学校警方:" 在周二的新闻发布会中,警方向章的家人提供了章莹颖日记的复制本。原件作为物证依然由警方保留。"
UIPD:" A ribbon campaign to support the Zhang family and raise awareness about the search for Yingying has begun. Anyone who has donated to a GoFundMe campaign to help support the Zhang family’s living expenses during their time in Champaign-Urbana can pick up a yellow ribbon at the front desk of the University of Illinois Police Department. Those people are encouraged to wear the ribbon to signify their support for the search and for the Zhang family.
学校警方:" 为了表达对莹颖家人的支持,我们发起一项黄丝带运动。我们鼓励所有通过 GoFundMe 网站为莹颖家人捐款的热心人,能去学校警方领取并佩戴黄丝带,以表达他们对莹颖家人和搜寻工作的关切与支持。"
News-gazette: "Ms. Zhang's mother, Lifeng Ye, and younger brother, Xinyang Zhang, 23, flew to Champaign from China on Saturday, joining her father and boyfriend, who have been here since June 17."
章莹颖的父亲:章荣高 敬上
CNN: "Brendt Christensen pleaded not guilty Thursday to one count of kidnapping in connection with the disappearance of Yingying Zhang, a University of Illinois student from China."
CNN 新闻媒体: "(在20日的传讯 (arraignment) 中) 嫌疑人 Brendt Christensen 拒绝认罪。Christensen 被指控绑架了来自中国的伊利诺伊大学留学生章莹颖。"
CNN: "He is due in court again on August 28 for a pretrial hearing. A trial has tentatively been scheduled for September 12."
CNN 新闻媒体: " 他 (嫌疑人 Christensen) 将在 8 月 28 日的预审听证会(pretrial hearing)中再次出庭。正式的审判(trial)暂时安排在 9 月 12 日。"
CNN 新闻报道: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/20/us/chinese-scholar-kidnapping-suspect-plea/index.html
Yingying's family: "…In hopes that someone, somewhere has information on where to find Yingying, we are increasing the reward for information about her location up to $50,000. We would consider additional reward, if anyone can bring her back safely…"
颖莹家人:” ...也许在某个地方,还有人知道更多的信息,可以帮助我们找到莹颖的所在地。带着这种期愿,我们将悬赏额度提高到5万美金。如果有人能将莹颖平安带回,我们愿意给予更高的报偿。”
Yingying's family: "..Investigators were able to make an arrest, in part because of information shared with them by people in Champaign-Urbana. We are so grateful for their courage and compassion, and we hope that others who might have additional information will follow that example and help us find Yingying. Thank you."
UIPD: "…Tips must be submitted through Crime Stoppers to be eligible for the reward. The Crime Stoppers reward is separate and not linked to the $10,000 reward offered by the FBI for information leading to the location of Ms. Zhang. Calls and messages to Crime Stoppers are routed to a third-party call center, which strips all identifying information from the call before forwarding the information to police. Callers are assigned a unique identifying number."
学校警方: "必须通过 Crime Stoppers 提供信息才能得到(5万美金)奖励。Crime Stoppers 的奖励与 FBI 提供的1万刀奖励没有关联,是分开的。Crime Stoppers 接到的电话和信息都将通过一个第三方呼叫中心转交给警察。在这个过程中,第三方呼叫中心将隐藏呼叫方的任何个人信息。每个匿名提供信息的人都将得到一个独立的身份验证码(a unique identifying number)。"
UIDP: "A federal grand jury today indicted 28-year-old Brendt Christensen on charges of kidnapping. The Acting U.S. Attorney Patrick D. Hansen and FBI Special Agent in Charge Sean Cox announced the indictment in a press release"
学校警方:“联邦大陪审团以绑架罪名起诉嫌疑人 Brendt Christensen。美联邦法院检察官 Patrick D. Hansen 和 FBI 探员 Sean Cox 向媒体公布了公诉书 (INDICTMENT).”
U.S. Attorney’s Office: ”The date for arraignment for Christensen will be scheduled by the U.S. Clerk of the Court in Urbana. A preliminary hearing that had been scheduled on July 14, has been cancelled.“
美联邦司法部: "预定于 7 月 14 日举行的初步聆讯 (preliminary hearing) 已被取消。传讯 (arraignment) 日期将由厄巴纳联邦法院文书部门 (the U.S. Clerk of the Court in Urbana) 安排. ”
News-gazette: "Christensen will be arraigned at 3 p.m. on July 20 in Long’s courtroom in Urbana."
新闻媒体 News-gazette:“预计 7 月 20 日下午 3 点,嫌疑人 Christensen 将在厄巴纳法庭被传讯。“
UIPD: "A judge ruled Wednesday that the defendant be held without bail, meaning he will remain in custody indefinitely through the court proceedings."
学校警方: "法官裁定被告人不得保释,意味着在诉讼期间嫌疑人将被无限期关押。“
UIPD: "The search for Ms. Zhang continues to be a top priority, and police are pursuing a number of methods which could help investigators find her. We are still encouraging anyone with information to contact us through the FBI at tips.fbi.gov or 1-800-CALL-FBI. Information may also be submitted anonymously through Champaign County Crime Stoppers at http://373tips.com, 217-373-TIPS or through the P3 Tips mobile app. Messages to Crime Stoppers are routed through a third-party service and are stripped of any identifying information before the tip is forwarded to police."
学校警方: "搜寻章莹颖的下落依然是目前的首要工作,警方也在采取一系列的方法来帮助调查人员的搜寻工作。我们依然鼓励任何有线索的人士联系我们:
FBI: 1-800-CALLFBI (1-800-225-5324) 或 https://tips.fbi.gov/,
Crime Stoppers: 217-373-TIPS (8477) 或 http://373tips.com 或 P3 Tips手机应用..."
详见警方 Search-Update: http://police.illinois.edu/search-updates/
ABC 7 Chicago: "...During the nine-minute hearing, Christiansen did not speak other than to acknowledge to the federal judge that he understood his rights. U.S. Magistrate Eric Long ordered Christiansen to return to the court in Urbana on Wednesday to determine bond. "
ABC 7 Chicago: "…在9分钟的法庭聆讯中,犯罪嫌疑人 Christiansen 除了向法官表示自己明白自己的权利外,并无其它发言。嫌疑人将在周三继续出庭关于保释的听证会。"
ABC 7 Chicago 新闻网页: http://abc7chicago.com/news/man-charged-with-kidnapping-u-of-i-scholar-appears-in-court/2177426/
UIPD: "Late today, FBI agents arrested a Champaign, Ill., man, Brendt Christensen, 27, on a criminal complaint that charges Christensen with kidnapping visiting Chinese scholar Yingying Zhang on June 9, 2017. Christensen will remain in law enforcement custody pending his initial federal court appearance in Urbana scheduled on Monday, July 3, at 10:00 a.m."
UIPD: "当天晚些时候 (6月30日), FBI 逮捕了一名 27 岁的香槟男子。该男子被指控于 2017 年 6 月 9 日劫持了 UIUC 访问学者章莹颖。该男子将被拘留监禁直到 7月3日星期一上午10时。届时他将在厄巴纳联邦法庭出庭接受审理。"
FBI: "On June 29, 2017, CHRISTENSEN was captured on audio recording while under law enforcement surveillance explaining how he kidnapped Y.Z. (Yingying Zhang). CHRISTENSEN stated that he brought Y.Z. back to his appartment, and otherwise held her in his apartment against her will. As of June 30, 2017, Y.Z. remains missing. Based on this, and other facts uncovered during the investigation of this matter, law enforcement does not believe Y.Z. is still alive."
FBI: "2017年6月29日, 嫌疑人在法律部门的录音监控中,解释了自己是如何绑架章的。他解释了自己如何强行将章带回、控制在自己的公寓中。截止6月30日,章依然失踪。根据这点,以及其他未公开的调查事实。法律部门认为章已经遇害。"
UIPD 6月30日紧急公告: http://police.illinois.edu/dpsapp/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/063017-news-release.pdf
Criminal Complaint 刑事诉讼书: http://police.illinois.edu/dpsapp/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/christensen-complnt.pdf
UIUC CSSA: "The University of Illinois and the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) invite you to join them on this walk and concert to convey community support and concern for Yingying Zhang, the visiting scholar missing since June 9."
伊大中国学生学者联合会: "为表达对章莹颖的支持,伊利偌伊大学与中国学生学者联合会(CSSA)邀请您加入游行以及音乐会。"
UIUC CSSA: "Meet outside Krannert Center in the plaza on the western side of the building at 6:30pm. The walk will begin at 6:45pm and head to Turner Hall where Zhang works, then to the bus stop on North Goodwin Avenue where she was last seen, and back to Krannert Center. The concert will follow at Stage 5 featuring Jasmine Fields Orchestra."
伊大中国学生学者联合会: "游行将在下午6:45开始,首先前往莹颖工作的地方Turner Hall,然后前往莹颖最后被目击的巴士站North Goodwin Ave,最后返回Krannert Center。音乐会随之将在第五舞台开始,由Jasmine Fields Orchestra领衔。"
地点:Krannert Center西侧广场
详见学校 Krannert Center 公告: https://krannertcenter.com/events/walk-and-concert-support-yingying-zhang
The FBI has announced that investigators located the black Saturn Astra used in the abduction of Yingying Zhang.
FBI spokesman Brad Ware refused to say where or when the car was found.
FBI 声称已经找到了绑架莹颖的车。FBI 拒绝透露是何时何地找到的。
FBI: “We continue to ask the public for information that could lead to locating Ms. Zhang. The FBI continues to offer a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the location of Yingying Zhang. ”
FBI: "我们依然需要公众提供有关章莹颖所在位置的信息。 FBI 关于章莹颖所在位置信息的 1 万美金悬赏依然有效。“
FBI 关于''找到绑架章莹颖的车"的公开信: http://police.illinois.edu/dpsapp/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Yingying-Zhang-Press-Release-pdf-6-27-2017.pdf
寻找莹颖海报: https://findingyingying.github.io/Library/reward.pdf
志愿者纪事: "我们志愿者所做的一切,都为了同一个目标:愿莹颖早日平安归来。“
详细内容见: https://findingyingying.github.io/chronicle/chronicle.html
Yingying's family have a message for her: "We all miss you very, very much and we ask Yingying, never ever, ever give up and we will forever find you."
更多内容详见 WCIA 报道视屏: http://www.illinoishomepage.net/news/local-news/family-of-missing-scholar-has-a-message/748772529?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_WCIA3
FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Jon Holloway: "FBI has made this case a top priority nationwide."
FBI: " FBI 已将此案列为全国首要任务。"
U. of I. Police Chief Jeff Christensen: " ...department has also enlisted every available technological and human resource to work the case."
UIUC警方: "...我们征用了一切可以利用的技术和人力来处理此案。"
Investigators expressed again that, though they wish they could divulge more information about the case, they cannot comment on specific details of the investigation in order to protect its integrity and maintain the best possible chance of finding Yingying.
FBI: "为了维护调查的正当性,为了最大化找到莹颖的概率,我们不能透露更多案件调查的细节。"
详见 UIUC 警方 Search-Update: http://police.illinois.edu/search-updates/
UIPD: "The Zhang family announced on Monday that they are working with Champaign County Crime Stoppers to offer a reward of up to $40,000 for information leading to an arrest in the disappearance of Yingying Zhang. "
UIPD: "Those who may have information can submit anonymous to Champaign County Crime Stoppers by calling 217-373-TIPS (8477), online at http://373tips.com or by using the P3 Tips mobile app available on iOS or Android."
UIPD: "Tips must be submitted through Crime Stoppers to be eligible for the reward. The Crime Stoppers reward is separate and not linked to the $10,000 reward offered by the FBI for information leading to the location of Ms. Zhang."
关于 CCCS 悬赏详情, 请以官方信息为准:
志愿者制作, 寻找莹颖海报下载: https://findingyingying.github.io/Library/reward.pdf
UIPD: "The U of I Community Credit Union has set up an account and a GoFundMe campaign to cover the family’s living expenses during their time on campus."
详见: http://police.illinois.edu/search-updates/ 捐款网站: https://www.gofundme.com/missing-u-of-i-scholar
FBI: "The FBI is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the location of Yingying Zhang. "
FBI: "FBI 现以1万美金悬赏关于章莹颖所在位置的信息。"
关于 FBI 悬赏详情, 请以 FBI 官方 YINGYING ZHANG 页面为准 : https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/yingying-zhang
UIPD: "Stay up to date on the investigation, and help us disseminate accurate information. The more people to whom we can deliver verified, accurate information, the more likely we are to find Yingying. "
UIPD: "请公众保持对案件的关注并帮助我们传播准确的信息。我们可以传递的信息越多,越准确,我们就越有可能找到莹颖。"
UIUC 警方就案件诸多问题作答详见 http://police.illinois.edu/dpsapp/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/forum-faqs.pdf
Dear all,
FBI announced yesterday (Jun 14) that Yingying Zhang’s missing is a kidnapping case and it appears that the suspect is a white male (https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/yingying-zhang/). Since Yingying Zhang has been missing for 5 days since June 9, it is possible that the suspect has gone to other states in the US. We sincerely and eagerly ask for your help! Please help us spread the flyer from FBI and ours through online social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) as widely as possible, and print the flyers to post and distribute it in your local community. We greatly appreciate any of your help and action! Let's pray for Yingying's safe return!
Yingying Zhang’s family, her friends, and UIUC CSSA
June 15, 2017
Poster link: https://findingyingying.github.io/Library/fbi-yingying-zhang.pdf
FBI 最新海报请见 FBI 官方 YINGYING ZHANG 页面 : https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/yingying-zhang
UIUC 访问学者章莹颖同学6月9日中午失踪,至今已超过5天。莹颖的安危牵动着所有人的心:从身边的同事老师和朋友,到当地华人群体,再到国内外,无数人志愿参与到寻找莹颖的工作中。现阶段,各级警方和FBI正全力开展搜救工作。中国驻芝加哥领事馆也代表中国政府和各方保持沟通;莹颖家人已顺利拿到赴美签证,预计将于美国当地周五(6月16日)或周六到达芝加哥机场,由芝加哥领馆直接接送至UIUC。UIUC校方已安排特别工作组负责莹颖家人的来访和接待。
昨天(6月14日)FBI正式发布了章莹颖同学失踪案件的官方通告,定性为绑架,犯罪嫌疑人为一名白人男子。因为莹颖失踪已超过五天,现在不排除嫌犯已逃亡其他地方的可能性,为了给案情的侦破开辟更多线索,在此我们号召大家一起行动起来,在全美范围内通过各种线上途径(Facebook, Twitter等)传播警方对莹颖失踪的搜寻通告,并在线下打印通告,在自己的城市和社区张贴传播。
莹颖家人老师和同事、UIUC CSSA 2017年6月15日
FBI 最新海报请见 FBI 官方 YINGYING ZHANG 页面 : https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/yingying-zhang
FBI: “It appeared to be driven by a White male, and circled the area prior to making contact with Zhang.”
最后,我们慎重地考虑了捐款事宜。首先感谢华人协会提供帮助。但是我们觉得当下并没有急需用钱的地方。莹颖家人接待会有学校出面,志愿者方面都是“志愿”。而我们自始至终唯一的希望就是尽自己最大努力把莹颖找回来,所以我们不打算在最近发动任何形式的捐款。 如果之后有需求或者有莹颖家人授权,我们一定会向大家通告。
莹颖的老师同学 和 UIUC CSSA 2017年6月13日
视频请见 Youtube视屏页 。
从视频中可以看到,莹颖站在 Goodwin Avenue 东侧,一辆黑色 Saturn Astra (不明年份) 驶靠在她旁边。莹颖似乎与司机交谈几句后,进入了副驾驶。 然后黑车沿着 Goodwin Avenue 向北开走了。
UIPD: ”Yingying Zhang boarded an MTD Teal line bus at the south shelter at Orchard Downs at 1:35 p.m. on Friday, June 9. She exited the bus at Springfield and Mathews avenues in Urbana at 1:52 p.m. Friday. At the time, she was wearing a charcoal gray hat with a white logo on the front. She has shoulder length brown hair, glasses, and a white/pink flannel print long sleeve shirt, white undershirt, jeans, white shoes, and a navy backpack.“
章莹颖,女,26岁,来自中国的 UIUC 访问学生。于美国当地时间2017年6月9日中午去 One North 签公寓合约,之后与其亲友老师失联。
章莹颖,女,26岁,来自中国的 UIUC 访问学生。于当地时间 2017年6月9日中午前往 One North 签公寓合约,之后失联。齐肩短发,戴圆眼镜,身穿长袖浅色衬衫,蓝色牛仔裤, 白色平底鞋。身高1.6米。如果有人看见她,或者有任何线索,请联系:
Miss Yingying Zhang, 26 years old, a visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from China. She went to One North to sign the apartment lease around noontime (1-2 pm) on June 9th, 2017 and has been missing since then. She has short hairs, is wearing round glasses (as the top picture), long sleeved light color shirt, blue jean and white shoes. She is about 5’ 3” tall. If you happen to see her or have some clues, please call